Beacon + HireVue

Beacon Health System boosts candidate experience


The nursing industry as a whole is experiencing a mass departure of nurses–and many of the workers who remain are suffering from burnout. To meet existing and future hiring needs, Beacon Health System knew it needed to re-evaluate its hiring process.


  • Provide a hiring experience that would make candidates excited to accept an offer
  • Modernize Beacon brand to reflect a friendlier, more inclusive voice
  • Create a meaningful relationship between candidate and recruiter from the start


“We see our candidates as customers, and we want to serve them in the best way possible.”

Alexa Tupper,

Digital Recruitment Marketing Specialist

With HireVue’s conversational AI, Beacon created a more meaningful experience that mirrored their employer brand and allowed recruiters to connect with candidates from the beginning. Candidates can pre-screen for the role, self-schedule an interview, and receive automatic updates—all on their own time. This self-guided process empowers candidates, eliminates recruiters’ unnecessary involvement in the process, and ensures candidates get hired faster.

“We put a lot of thought into candidate experience with a focus on customizing thought verbiage to reflect our brand voice. We wanted candidates to see us as human and someone they could relate to from the get-go.”

Alexa Tupper,

Digital Recruitment Marketing Specialist

Results: Elevated brand, meaningful relationships, and maximized candidate pipeline with HireVue’s Hiring Assistant

In addition to elevating the employer brand with a customizable hiring experience, HireVue technology enables Beacon to check in with new employees at the 30/60/90 day mark–helping establish a positive rapport between candidates and recruiters.

“The biggest impact we saw was that we created those meaningful relationships with candidates from the beginning.”

Alexa Tupper,

Digital Recruitment Marketing Specialist

One of the greatest transformations was how HireVue Hiring Assistant maximized the candidate pipeline by keeping passive candidates engaged. Now, when a candidate applies for a job, their information is automatically deposited into a resume database. Even if a candidate isn’t hired for the position, recruiters work to find a position for them elsewhere by texting them when new opportunities arise. Recently, Beacon launched a text campaign to promote their nursing network event. Out of 660 recipients, 90% of those texts were delivered. Knowing that their messages were getting into the hands of people with whom they already had a relationship was a huge benefit for Beacon. Now, they can keep passive candidates engaged and remain top of mind when these candidates are looking for a job.

“What matters is that we’re putting our name out there and people are getting our texts. Even if they’re a passive candidate, it’s important that they can easily text when they are ready for a new job.”

Alexa Tupper,

Digital Recruitment Marketing Specialist

Read more about Beacon’s case study. 

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Quick Facts




Text campaign delivery


Day automatic check-ins with new employees
