Find My Fit

Unlock the full potential of your talent pool

Our innovative pre-apply assessment helps job seekers discover roles that match their skills, interests, and personality, expanding their horizons beyond traditional job searches. With proven success in increasing diversity and finding hidden talent, Find My Fit ensures your organization connects with the best candidates for every position.

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“At Spectrum, our goal is to help candidates find a job that can become a career. Find My Fit helps us deliver that insight to candidates, letting them know how their interests and preferences can align with a career path.”
Laura Fields, Senior Director, TA Operations, Selection and Assessment - Charter/Spectrum

Help candidates discover their potential

Increase Diversity

Directly engage candidates in your hiring process

Match potential to opportunity

Find My Fit quickly assesses candidates’ styles, soft skills, interests, and personality, then compares the results to your organization’s open opportunities to recommend those that are the best fit. Candidates are exposed to all the roles they could fit, ensuring they aren’t limited to just the traditional roles they’ve always applied to—and ensuring they don’t miss out on opportunities simply because of role title labeling differences.

Boost diversity in your talent pool

Candidates aren’t always confident enough to search beyond what they’ve always done. Or maybe they’re new to the workforce and have no idea where to even begin. By recommending roles based on the candidate’s background and interests, it drives candidates to those roles that might be a better fit, helping expand the diversity of your talent pool.

Increase candidate engagement

Find My Fit lives on your career site—your candidates’ first stop when they want to learn more about jobs at your organization. After completing the assessment, candidates can immediately apply to the recommended roles, directly engaging them in your hiring process.

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