Campus Hiring

Hire more graduates without visiting more campuses

Scale your college recruitment strategies and identify your organization’s future leaders with a flexible and fair experience.

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“In previous years, students needed to wait in line for hours to get a chance for a 5 minute interview. Now, we bring iPads to Career Fairs, students simply need to answer 2-3 general questions, and we follow up with relevant job opportunities. With HireVue, we can consider every interested student, not just those who get in line first.”
Queenie Tsang, Assistant Employer Branding and Talent Community Manager, Cathay Pacific

Expand your recruiting reach and tap into skills

Scale your graduate hiring team by considering more students, from more colleges and universities, without adding more resources. HireVue’s enterprise software solution has allowed hundreds of companies to widen their early-career talent pool and improve diversity through flexible solutions that accommodate a student’s schedule. Focus on skills and screen for potential with assessments specifically designed to assess graduate talent, making your early career hiring process more flexible and fair. With HireVue’s campus recruitment software, graduate recruiting teams can quickly and expertly identify those candidates with the skills needed for success on the job today and the potential to thrive tomorrow.

HireVue's campus recruiting

Encourage candidate flexibility—and unlock their potential

Hiring shouldn’t be limited to just a handful of schools. On-demand interviewing from our campus recruiting platform expands your reach and improves diversity. Candidates can take interviews from any device, anytime, from anywhere. This flexibility is highly valued by busy students while creating a structured, consistent, and fair interview experience. Plus, 99% uptime and 24/7 multilingual support provides the experience and support recruiters and candidates deserve.

Fairly assess your graduate talent

Have you ever considered that your newest campus hire could be your company’s future CEO? Ensure you’re offering a fairer hiring landscape and find your true top talent. Support your diversity goals by incorporating assessments that fairly and transparently evaluate your incoming talent pool.


See how the HireVue platform can help.

It’s time to add HireVue to your career fair toolkit.

How one campus hiring team utilizes OnDemand interviewing to identify high potential talent.

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