Tech and Telecom Hiring

Evaluate for retention

Create more engaging hiring practices, so talent teams and candidates have more positive experiences.

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“I think it’s really important that candidates have a choice, they have the option to have a phone interview with a recruiter in place of having a HireVue video evaluation, but most of our candidates choose not to have a phone interview because of all the benefits of the digital process.”
HireVue Customer
HireVue ATS system

Go beyond resumes and improve retention

In business recruiting, experience alone doesn’t always translate to success. Employers win the best candidates by assessing things like communication, problem-solving, and other key job-relevant skills that don’t show up on a resume. Start hiring talent who will grow with your business.

Speed-up hiring and boost your candidate experience with automated recruiting software

Better engage candidates and boost their experience with flexible interviewing. Plus, HireVue software integrates seamlessly with leading ATS systems.

Gain better insight into your candidates

HireVue coding assessments not only provide a science-backed, holistic view of tech candidates but saves hiring time and improves quality.

Have other hiring needs? We have the solution.
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