Professional Hiring

Balance leaner budgets and higher candidate expectations

Professional hiring teams are still combating the Great Resignation. Let us help.

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“With HireVue, we’ve been able to keep a solid pipeline of qualified sales talent at our fingertips. You don’t start from square one, which has been a huge advantage to our sales leaders as we look to build an incredible team quickly.”
William Droste, Vice President of Ticket Sales and Premium Packages, Boston Red Sox

Improve your time-to-hire

Did you know that the number one reason people turn down job offers is because they were offered another? Not to mention, 26% of candidates left the hiring process because “it took too long.” It’s time to improve the time-to-hire for professionals and executives. Professional recruitment and hiring teams are facing a competitive market, and the first-to-offer has the first pick of talent. Move too slow and you’ll miss out on top talent–and lose revenue.

Improve diversity – move beyond awareness

Give recruiting and hiring teams the systematic support they need to make fairer hiring decisions. HireVue solutions include science-based assessments and structured interviews, so candidates are assessed consistently and teams make data-driven talent decisions.

HireVue integrates with your ATS, automates interview scheduling, and is your one end-to-end hiring solution

HireVue automates the logistics of your hiring process, so you can expand your recruiting reach and start hiring faster.


See how it works.

Video Interviewing and Assessments allow for faster hiring

Go beyond resumes and gain a better sense of a candidate earlier in the process. Consider more candidates and increase your productivity and throughput–easily doing more than what a phone screen can do.

Create a candidate experience worth bragging about.

How one company reduced their cost, boasted their brand, and boosted their NPS Case Study.

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Have other hiring needs? We have the solution.
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