Skills-based hiring for early talent

April 18th, 2024

Early talent hiring teams have a challenge unique to their talent pool—many of their resumes look the same so deciding how best to evaluate top talent can feel next to impossible. 

However, reviewing qualifications based on resume review isn’t the most effective way to evaluate talent—because at the end of the day, qualifications aren’t based on line items on a resume like name, title, or education. 

Skills-based hiring is the practice of backing decisions based on the skills and competencies that best predict success for specific roles. 

Learn how HireVue Human Potential Intelligence is designed to find your top early talent.

Early talent is untapped potential.

HireVue Human Potential Intelligence provides AI-driven tech designed to unlock potential by assessing skills that best predict success—and who is more the epitome of potential than those just embarking on their career journeys? 

AI-driven tech designed to measure potential and what candidates are capable of is a crucial piece to assessing early talent. HireVue provides multiple solutions designed to find out what your candidates can do—not what they have done.

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    Structured Interviewing: HireVue Structured Interviewing brings speed and quality together. Easily build science-backed, job-specific interviews designed to help you uncover the potential in all candidates. Scale with ease through powerful automated workflows built on an enterprise ready platform.

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    Assessments: With an assessment for every role at every level, our robust library of skill-based questions identify candidates beyond just resume qualifications—better defining what they can actually do. Effective hiring is rooted in data analysis, and HireVue also offers insights to candidates after their interviews.

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    Virtual Job Tryout®: Go beyond conventional cognitive and behavioral assessment. The Virtual Job Tryout® provides innovative candidate exercises that simulate the job and offer evidence of how the candidate will perform against competencies proven to be crucial to on-the-job success.

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    Find My Fit: Present candidates with all roles that they fit—not just the ones they search for. Find My Fit helps easily identify what roles best match candidate potential. After a brief assessment of interests, personality, and background, Find My Fit compares the answers to your organization’s open opportunities, recommending the roles that are the best fit for the candidate. Recommending roles based on the candidate’s interests and soft skills drives candidates to those roles that might be a better fit—and can help expand the diversity of your talent pool.

With the right solutions in place, ones that value speed, flexibility, and fairer evaluation, you can empower your early talent at the very start of their careers. HireVue allows teams to evaluate the soft skills candidates could very well possess that can prove influential to building a successful career. 

Read the Guide to Skills-Based Hiring.

Ditching degrees and hiring for retention

Your next early talent hire could be the company’s future CEO! While GPAs and degrees certainly play a role in an academic setting and certain careers, like the medical field, applying the same set of evaluations to your hiring can alienate an entire pool of qualified candidates. 

At the end of the day, degrees and alma maters shed no light on the skills candidates do or don’t possess. 

And when three-quarters of companies find filling open roles challenging, including nearly every industry like healthcare, finance, IT, and consumer goods, a more effective way of evaluating talent is needed—one with retention top of mind.  

According to a Harvard Business report, “Comprising occupations that range from Construction Managers and Sales Supervisors to Web Developers and IT Help Desk Specialists, these roles could open at least 250,000 more jobs to non-degreed workers were employers to drop their degree requirements fully.” 

And according to that same report, the impact of skills-based hiring is powerful for employees and candidates. For candidates without degrees hired into roles that no longer have degree requirements, they’re not only receiving a 25% salary increase, but their employers see a 10% higher two-year retention rate vs college-educated coworkers. 

Come alongside your early talent with the technology that assesses their skills and supports their career growth. You’ll build an empowered early career employee base—one that feels valued as people, not just employees.

Request a demo here and transform your early talent hiring strategy!