Revolutionizing candidate experience: Unveiling HireVue's impact

September 15th, 2023
The HireVue Team
Candidate Experience,

Today’s job landscape is a buyer’s market—and your candidates have expectations of what they want not only from employers but from their hiring processes as well. 

An effective hiring strategy works for not only your hiring teams but for candidates as well—it saves time but also shows you value your future employees as people as well. 

So here you are. Maybe you’re thinking of ways to improve your processes, optimize what you have, or start from scratch. Below are 3 reasons why you need to think as much about your candidate experience as you do your recruiter’s. 

Eliminate communication gaps.

According to our candidate survey, the #1 frustration cited by candidates is the lack of communication.

What’s your most common form of communication outside of work? Well, PEW Research Center says 81% of adults are texting regularly

It’s 2023. There’s no excuse to not also be texting your candidates. 

It’s quicker. It’s easier. It’s preferred. And it’s automated.

Texting allows you to meet candidates where they are—on their phones. Text them interview and assessment reminders, and allow them to schedule and reschedule their interview easily, eliminating the annoyance and inconvenience of phone and email tag. 

Our texting solutions are sent from the platform, not your personal phone, and with 1:1 or campaign messages, you can effortlessly keep candidates updated and engaged during the entire process. 

Candidates have lives. Give them flexibility.

When Work realized she had a HireVue On-Demand interview, she was excited. First, it eliminated the stress of an immediate panel or 1-on-1 interview—because the unknown and new environment can be a little nerve-wracking. 

Next, it allowed her the flexibility to interview where she felt most comfortable, which for her, was her car—allowing her to put her best foot forward, a critical piece of any interview.

Learn more about Work’s experience with HireVue by watching the video below.

As Work described, HireVue allows the flexibility to interview when it’s most convenient—because when you interview shouldn’t impact your evaluation. 

Here are just a few examples of the candidates you could be passing over if you only allow people to interview between typical 9-5 hours:

  • A stay-at-home mom looking to rejoin the workforce who isn’t free until after her kids go to bed
  • A nurse who works an overnight shift and wants to interview in the evening because she had to sleep during the day
  • A student applying to internships early morning before a full day of classes and his part-time job

Give your candidates the option to interview when it’s convenient for them, because the data shows that’s what they want—50% of HireVue interviews are completed outside normal business hours. 

An on-demand shows you value your candidates as people. Every single candidate has a different need, and offering them the technology to meet those needs shows you value your candidates as people and not just workers. 

Support fairer hiring. Candidates notice.

In this year’s candidate research, 50% of candidates said they’re more likely to apply for a job when a company displays strong DEI initiatives.

Fair workplaces start with fair hiring. And beyond it being the right thing to do, implementing fair practices doesn’t go unnoticed by your candidates. 

The Co-operative Bank is the world’s first and only UK high street bank, with a customer-led ethical policy. In short, they don’t provide banking services to organizations that conflict with their customers’ views on a comprehensive range of issues (human rights, environmental issues, etc).

After Covid disrupted the job market, the bank needed a way to efficiently manage the influx of candidate applications—in addition to ensuring there were measures in place to receive more diverse and high-quality candidates. 

As a result, they implemented HireVue Video Interviewing and Assessments to ensure all their candidates were evaluated consistently and based on the same factors—backing their decisions with science instead of gut-instinct. The results? A 90% reduction in bias and a 50/50 gender hiring split… and a 90% candidate CSAT score.

Review Background
“One of the biggest benefits that the business saw was around reducing unconscious bias. HireVue has helped reduce bias by 90% from the hiring process, which has contributed to achieving a 50 / 50 hiring split for gender across all levels of the business so far in 2021. Previously, this was 70 / 30 and male dominated. The Executive Committee is now also very diverse with a 50 / 50 gender split. This really helps other people in the business aspire to be what they can see.”
Richard Matthews, Head of Talent and Resourcing, The Co-operative Bank

Take the time to audit your processes. Did you know 80-90% say a candidate experience can change their feelings about a role or company? A positive candidate experience is a reflection of the employee experience.

Make it a good one.

Ready to take your candidate experience up a notch? Request a demo or check out our 2023 Modern Candidate Experience Guide.