AI in hiring survey: Insights for talent acquisition

June 3rd, 2024
The HireVue Team
Artificial Intelligence,

Today’s conversations around AI in hiring are less centered around if you should use it and more around how and why

Today, 70% of HR leaders are already using generative AI in the workplace or plan to use it this year. And additionally, 73% of HR professionals trust AI systems to make candidate recommendations. 

HireVue surveyed 3,100 workers and 1,000 HR professionals across the globe to better get a pulse on both perspectives of AI in hiring. 

What we found was HR professionals are largely in favor of AI—and that it’s time to start asking yourself how to leverage hiring tools to maximize human potential. 

Here are the top 4 trends from today’s TA leaders from the HireVue Global Guide to AI in Hiring.

AI comfort is growing.

Today’s teams are increasingly comfortable with AI. Again, the question TA teams should be asking is how they use it, not if. AI is all around, from Netflix to Google to ChatGPT—it’s infiltrated our daily lives and hiring is no different. 

So as teams grow more comfortable with technology, their trust in AI has grown as well:

  • 37% trust AI systems (either very much or completely)
  • 68% are excited about using AI in the workplace
  • 58% use AI tools in the workplace at least every week, if not every day.

AI boosts efficiency. 

As conversations around AI range from curiosity to concern, one data point rang loudly for today’s teams. Hiring leaders are leaning into AI technology for increased productivity and efficiency, citing: 

  • 53% have more time after automating manual tasks
  • 53% notice greater productivity 
  • 50% experience faster turnaround in filling roles

AI use varies.

AI isn’t living in silos either. HR professionals are recognizing its benefits across the hiring funnel from engagement to resume screening to assessing the skills and potential of candidates

  • 31% use it for candidate communications
  • 27% use it for resume screening
  • 27% use it for assessments

AI concerns on regulation, fairness, and compliance

But while there is a lot of support from teams regarding AI in hiring, some of the concern centers on regulation and compliance. 

  • Nearly 40% of HR professionals say they have set up an internal team to assess the compliance of current products

And these concerns are certainly valid because without regulated technology, the negative ramifications certainly outweigh any good AI is doing. Finding a vendor who is committed to the ethical usage of AI is critical—especially in the high-stakes game of hiring. 

When looking for vendors, your technology should be rooted in:

  1. IO Science and AI: Hiring tech should be grounded in IO science. IO psychology serves as a bridge between the science of human behavior and AI technology, ensuring that processes are effective, fair, and ethical.
  2. Compliance with Regulations: Stay up-to-date with relevant laws and regulations governing AI and data privacy — then ensure the AI tools comply with these requirements. This includes obtaining necessary permissions or consents for data processing and ensuring transparency about how data is collected, used, and stored.
  3. Transparency and Fairness: AI companies should have auditable and explainable processes with publicly available 3rd party audit results and an AI Explainability Statement to demonstrate fairness. Additionally, companies should follow a very high standard set by the EEOC’s Uniform Guidelines to mitigate bias.

Download the full report and learn more about what TA professionals should be looking for—and how their views differ from worker and candidate perspectives. Ready to take the next step? Request a demo today.